Career Discernment

Are you switching careers, industries, or role functions and not sure which path fits you? Don't worry! We are here to support you as you discern which path to pursue, even before your MBA journey at the University of Notre Dame even begins!

We have resources for exploration, an established process to help you narrow your choices, and strategies to create an action plan. There are many things that contribute to your career discernment and exploration journey. Remember that this is a process that varies from individual to individual, so take the time to consider the following as you begin exploring a meaningful path that aligns your values, interests, personality, and skills.

Step 1: Establish Priorities

Everything you have done up until now will help inform your career decisions. Start by learning about yourself and ask questions like:

  • What makes me happy?
  • What motivates me?
  • What is important to me?

And also consider career-focused questions like:

  • Where, geographically, do I want to be?
  • What is my ideal work environment?
  • What skills do I need to be successful?


Step 2: Identify Your Strengths

Next, explore your strengths — these can be both hard and soft skills — and identify ways in which you can transfer these into different functions and roles. If you are unsure of your strengths, please visit the following resources to help guide you:


Step 3: Take Action

Now that you have compiled a list of potential interests and evaluated your strengths, take the next step in this journey to identify careers that may be a good fit. Every experience shapes you in some way, so take some time to slow down and think about how these experiences have affected you. You may take a step in exploring one career, realize it’s not for you, regroup, and begin exploring another career. This is normal and is all part of the career journey. Remember, this is a journey - you don’t need to have all the answers right now.  You just need to take these first few steps!

  • CareerLeader Assessment: Work with our career team to take this assessment which will take in account your interests, motivations, and skills to evaluate potential careers to pursue.
  • Events & Workshops: Attend events and workshops to better understand the various job functions and industries and how those fit in with your strengths and interests
  • Network: Utilize the Mendoza network to connect with individuals that have most likely walked the same path you have to learn more about their experiences and better understand the intricacies of the potential careers you are considering.
  • Understanding the Market
  • Career Coaches: Leverage the resources our career coaching team can provide you with by booking an appointment to discuss any questions you have along the way.
    • Plan to meet with your career coach at least once per mod, ideally with an agenda or topic you would like to focus on.


Ultimately, keep in mind that your career development is your responsibility. It is up to you to be an active participant in your career journey and in your decisions - no one can make those decisions for you!