Career Paths

A crucial step in your career development is to understand the MBA career paths available. This entails gaining deep knowledge of the functions, industries, and roles available to MBAs.

The saying "If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there" certainly does not apply to your career.  A crucial step in your career development is to understand the MBA career paths available.  This entails gaining deep knowledge of the functions, industries, and roles available to MBAs.  Once this knowledge is gained, you can start to build a focused career plan.

Irish Compass (Notre Dame's alumni networking and career platform) has been updated to include additional functional learning resources, as well as an updated job board (which includes LinkedIn job postings). Please see this short video for an overview of the updates!

Please see here for details about ND's membership to Udemy for access to premium skill-building resources

Career Outcomes

If you are undecided or considering between multiple career paths, information below might help to narrow down your focus.